
To change your account password in CyberGlobalNet, follow these steps:

1.- First head to your account in CyberGlobalNet, once you have logged in you will see your account, click on "change":

2.- On this page you can edit your information, in this case we want to change our password, so we'll go to "authentication"

3.- Now you can change your password, first enter your current password, then your new password by repeating it in the third field, if you wish you can activate two-factor authentication, if you activate two-factor authentication your account will have an extra layer of security. After typing our new password, we click on "Update my information":

You're good to go! If you changed your password correctly you will see a message that says "Your account information has been updated successfully." If you have any questions or problems, please contact our Support Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. available 24/7.

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