We will explain how to create FTP users.
The first thing we must do is enter your cPanel, for this you can do it through your account at cyberglobalnet.com/login or by entering your cPanel cpanel.mydomain.com.
1.- Once we have entered our cPanel, in the first block you will see "FTP Accounts", we click on it:
2.- Here you can create FTP users, below I will explain how to fill in the fields:
- In Log In, we put the user we want to create.
- In Domain, we choose the domain through which we want to enter through FTP.
- In Password we put the password that we want to use for the user. We always recommend that it be a secure password and for this you can use the Password Generator.
- Where it says Directory, we write the directory which only our user will have access to, it can be the public_html or any other folder within your Web Hosting.
- In the Quota field we put the transfer limit that we want this user to have.
Now we click on Create FTP account.
Once we have created the user we can enter using an FTP client (Cyberduck, Filezilla, CoreFTP, WinSCP etc.)
If you have any questions, you can contact our support team at